Supporting the Mission


Why We Need Support

The two main challenges for the Mission through the years has been essential funding and the recruitment of a sufficient number of competent staff to run the centre.

With very grateful thanks to the Falkland Islands Government which gives an annual subvention, local fishing companies and individuals, and support from seafarers’ charities in the UK, the financial situation has eased somewhat in recent years.

However, income is still insufficient to allow the employment of staff at more than a minimum wage.

Without the willing support of volunteers it would not be possible to keep the centre open for the long evening and weekend hours required.

How You Can Help

Can you spare a few hours a week to help or would like to come along and help out when we are busy?
We are always looking for volunteers to help, especially during our busiest periods – when we have lots of vessels in port, cruise ship days, or when we have events happening at the Mission.

Clothing Bank
We always need new clothes for our clothing bank. This allows Seafarers to replace often very worn clothing as well as get some extra layers for the colder operations.

Donations can be dropped into the Mission, or call us and we can collect when appropriate. Please do make sure that any clothes are in a good, wearable condition and they have been washed.